Thefts from the National Library of Scotland

The following items have been reported stolen:

1. Title: Iustini ex Trogo Pompeio historiae cum multis memorabilibus in margine. Addito insuper indice: quo facilius notatu clariora rep[er]iri possint: nuper em[en]datae. (includes: Lucii Flori gestorum Romanorum liber primus[-quartus].)
Authors: Trogus, Pompeius
Description: Format: fol. Imprint: Venetiis : Impressum per Ioannem Tachuinum de Tridino, 1512. Current shelfmark: BCL.S10 Earlier shelfmark: With a label or stamp carrying an earlier shelfmark: Stall J /Shelf 34 /Book 7 Ownership marks: With a crude stamped cross, most likely on the title page, with arms of equal length running horizontally and vertically in relation to the title page

2. Title: De lingua latina.
Authors: Varro, Marcus Terentius
Description: Format: fol. Imprint: Parma : [Printer of Hieronymus, Epistolae], 11 Dec. 1480. Note: Part 3 only of ISTC in00267000 Current shelfmark: BCL.S13 Earlier shelfmark: With a label or stamp carrying an earlier shelfmark: Stall H /Shelf 19 /Book 4

3. Title: The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Maiestie of Scotland. At Saint Iohn-stoun vpon Tuesday the fift of August. 1600.
Authors: Not applicable
Description: Format: 4to. Imprint: London : Printed by Valentine Simmes, dwelling on Adling hill, at the signe of the white Swanne, 1600. Note: ESTC S101210; STC (2nd ed.) 21466.3 (B1r last line begins: ring) Current shelfmark: BCL.S134 Other copy-specific details: A note on file records ‘Leaves separated and mounted on stubs. – Very badly done’

4. Title: Martyrologium.
Authors: Usuard
Description: Format: 4to. Imprint: [France : s.n., ca. 1520?]. Note: An unidentified edition of Usuard’s Martyrologium, edited, with additions, by Johannes Le Munerat, and reprinted page-for-page from the edition printed by Guy Marchant, Paris, 1490 (BM 15th cent., VIII, p.58). Current shelfmark: BCL.S149 Note: Imperfect, wanting all before leaf [a6] and all after leaf n3 Earlier shelfmark: With a label or stamp carrying an earlier shelfmark: Stall H /Shelf 18 /Book 9 Bookplate: With a Scots College Paris bookplate “Colleg. Scotor. in Acad. Paris.” (usually on the front paste-down) Other copy-specific details: with a MS note on the first leaf present supplying the imprint as Paris, 1490 (Guido Mercator)

If you have any information regarding these items, please contact Brian Hillyard at or +44 (0)131 623 3889.