The International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) has launched an ILAB Mobile App which is now available in the Apple Store and the Android Market. Search for “ILAB rare books” or “International League of Antiquarian Booksellers” to find the free App ready to install on your phone. A Blackberry version will follow soon.
ILAB represents 1,850 of the World’s best booksellers dealing in fine, rare, old and collectable books in all fields. Search for them and their books. If you are away on business or pleasure with an hour or two to spare: use the locator to find the nearest dealer to wherever you are and get directions by foot, car or public transport. Use the ILAB App to access the ILAB website and find a veritable goldmine of information for the collector, librarian, dealer or anyone who just loves or is interested in fine and rare books, maps and manuscripts. Find out the dates and locations of upcoming antiquarian book fairs, lectures and exhibitions around the World.
All dealers affiliated with The International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) abide by a strict code of ethics and good business practice. Use this App to access them and their stock. Many have open shops. All of them are experienced and are experts who can help and guide you.
Many ILAB dealers also buy books from the public. You may sell your books to an ILAB bookseller with confidence and save up to 40 % in auction commissions. Many of our affiliates also undertake valuations. This App will help you identify the right one for your needs.
If you quickly need an unexpected gift, an old book makes an unusual and popular present. Ask your nearest ILAB dealer for help. If he doesn’t have what you want he will help you to find someone who can.
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The following items have been reported stolen:
1. Title: Iustini ex Trogo Pompeio historiae cum multis memorabilibus in margine. Addito insuper indice: quo facilius notatu clariora rep[er]iri possint: nuper em[en]datae. (includes: Lucii Flori gestorum Romanorum liber primus[-quartus].)
Authors: Trogus, Pompeius
Description: Format: fol. Imprint: Venetiis : Impressum per Ioannem Tachuinum de Tridino, 1512. Current shelfmark: BCL.S10 Earlier shelfmark: With a label or stamp carrying an earlier shelfmark: Stall J /Shelf 34 /Book 7 Ownership marks: With a crude stamped cross, most likely on the title page, with arms of equal length running horizontally and vertically in relation to the title page
2. Title: De lingua latina.
Authors: Varro, Marcus Terentius
Description: Format: fol. Imprint: Parma : [Printer of Hieronymus, Epistolae], 11 Dec. 1480. Note: Part 3 only of ISTC in00267000 Current shelfmark: BCL.S13 Earlier shelfmark: With a label or stamp carrying an earlier shelfmark: Stall H /Shelf 19 /Book 4
3. Title: The Earle of Gowries conspiracie against the Kings Maiestie of Scotland. At Saint Iohn-stoun vpon Tuesday the fift of August. 1600.
Authors: Not applicable
Description: Format: 4to. Imprint: London : Printed by Valentine Simmes, dwelling on Adling hill, at the signe of the white Swanne, 1600. Note: ESTC S101210; STC (2nd ed.) 21466.3 (B1r last line begins: ring) Current shelfmark: BCL.S134 Other copy-specific details: A note on file records ‘Leaves separated and mounted on stubs. – Very badly done’
4. Title: Martyrologium.
Authors: Usuard
Description: Format: 4to. Imprint: [France : s.n., ca. 1520?]. Note: An unidentified edition of Usuard’s Martyrologium, edited, with additions, by Johannes Le Munerat, and reprinted page-for-page from the edition printed by Guy Marchant, Paris, 1490 (BM 15th cent., VIII, p.58). Current shelfmark: BCL.S149 Note: Imperfect, wanting all before leaf [a6] and all after leaf n3 Earlier shelfmark: With a label or stamp carrying an earlier shelfmark: Stall H /Shelf 18 /Book 9 Bookplate: With a Scots College Paris bookplate “Colleg. Scotor. in Acad. Paris.” (usually on the front paste-down) Other copy-specific details: with a MS note on the first leaf present supplying the imprint as Paris, 1490 (Guido Mercator)
If you have any information regarding these items, please contact Brian Hillyard at or +44 (0)131 623 3889.
Shortly after the reopening of the Girolamini Library in Naples in April of 2012 the Director, Marino Massimo de Caro, announced that 1500 books were missing (April 17). On April 20 the Library was closed by the Naples Public Prosecutor. Marino Massimo de Caro has been suspended and was investigated for embezzlement. On May 18, 1000 books, 240 of which have ownership stamps from the Girolamini Library were found in storage in Massimo Marino de Caro’s home city of Verona, and on May 24 Mr. de Caro was arrested on the charge of embezzlement along with four others; a search warrant is out for a fifth. In the meantime Massimo Marino de Caro has confessed to the theft of thousands of books from the library and is cooperating with police in tracing them.
A number of stolen items from the library have been confiscated by the authorities in Munich (16 items), London (28 items), New York and Tokyo(uncertain numbers).
According to what is currently known and what Massimo Marino de Caro has confessed so far, it is very likely that the number of stolen books from the Girolamini Library is higher than 1500 but no definitive list of missing items has been published by Italian authorities so far. It appears also to be clear that the stolen books were spread out via the trade in several countries, in both Europe and elsewhere.
A number of the books can be recognized by a red library stamp (with a Madonna in the center) but not all books bear this stamp.
Italian authorities have requested assistance from the public prosecutor’s offices in several countries so far. They have also asked Interpol headquarters atLyon, France, for assistance.
We would therefore strongly advise our members to check their purchases of – mostly – Italian books from the 15th to the 17th centuries if these volumes were purchased in the time period between January to May of 2012.
We will provide our members with a list of stolen books from the Girolamini Library as soon as Italian authorities have published such a document. We hope to be able to provide you with a name and address within a short time that you can contact in case you have recently purchased books you have reason to believe may originate from this massive theft.
Arnoud Gerits
President – ILAB
The new ILAB directory has been presented at the 50th Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair at the end of January 2011. It contains names, addresses and specialities of all ILAB affiliates, now from 23 national associations in 33 countries, including the new members from Hungary, Russia and China.
Copies will be handed out at all major ILAB Book Fairs. If you are looking for ILAB Booksellers in special countries, cities or concerning their specialities, please use the booksellers database on this website.
75.000 medieval manuscripts, available online: Manuscripta mediaevalia is a joint online venture of the State Library Berlin (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin / Preußischer Kulturbesitz), the State Library Munich (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München) and the German Documentation Centre for the History of Arts (Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte).
The database gives access to the manuscript collections of hundreds of libraries in Germany, Europe and the United States. More than 75.000 documents are digitally available through Manuscripta mediaevalia. You can browse the collections of the specific libraries or according to iconographic aspects, such as “ideas and concepts”, “Bible”, “mankind”, “history”, “society”, “culture”, “mythology”, “civilization”, “literature”, “nature”, “religion” and “magic”.
Recently added: the collections of the Austrian State Library (2003), the German manuscripts of the University Library Bonn (Germany), the Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen (Switzerland) and the Greek manuscripts of the State Library Munich.